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A1 Upgrade: Nearly three quarters support upgrading A1/A52 in Grantham

Published: Tuesday 07 July 2022

A1 Upgrade: Nearly three quarters support upgrading A1/A52 in Grantham
  • 72% of adults surveyed support the plans to upgrade the A1/ A52 junction
  • 74% of adults surveyed believe the upgrades would reduce congestion and traffic in residential areas 
  • Lincolnshire and Midlands Connect have proposed upgrades to Government

Residents in Lincolnshire and Newark have given plans for an upgrade to the A1/A52 their overwhelming support. 

The research, done by YouGov for Midlands Connect, shows that nearly three quarters (72%) support the plans to upgrade the A1/ A52 junction, with 55% of those surveyed saying they ‘strongly support’ the upgrades. Over 40% think the project will reduce journey times for them and their families, once they are completed. 

Furthermore, nearly three quarters (74%) believe the project will lead to wider benefits including less congestion and  reduced traffic in residential areas. 

Over one in three respondents also said the plans (35%) would have a ‘significant’ impact on reducing road accidents/ traffic collisions. 

Midlands Connect and Lincolnshire County Council have proposed the upgrades to the government. In its recent Strategic Transport Plan Midlands Connect dubbed the scheme one its key projects for investment in the next 10-15 years. 

The partnership want Government to award the project support as part of its Road Investment Strategy 3 (RIS3). If successful, this could mean that National Highways is given funding to deliver the improvements as early as 2025. 

The research builds on a recent roundtable Midlands Connect and Lincolnshire County Council held with key stakeholders in the region. 

Commenting on the research, Midlands Connect Head of Roads Swati Mittal said:

“These figures reiterate what we gleaned from a recent business roundtable and our work with Lincolnshire Country Council - that this scheme is overwhelmingly supported by the local community and is a key priority for Midlands Connect. 

“We will continue to work with businesses, the council and National Highways to make a submission for the scheme to be included in the upcoming Road Investment Strategy bidding round. The views of local people will be fed into that funding bid as we can show, loudly and clearly, that residents would welcome any upgrades on this part of the road network.” 

Cllr Richard Davies, Lincolnshire County Council's executive member for highways, said:

“The results of this survey reflect what the people of Lincolnshire have told us about what they want from the road network. Better connectivity and joined-up thinking between authorities is essential if we're to benefit those who travel around, and through, our large county.  

“We remain committed to delivering for local people and resolving the issues that residents and businesses face daily whilst they go about their lives.” 

Gareth Davies MP comments:

“The A1 is a significant and important road for our country, especially for my constituents in Lincolnshire. I will continue to support investment on the junctions on this road and for safety improvements along the entire stretch from Stamford up to Grantham. The survey results highlight to me that this continues to be an important matter for my constituents, and I welcome further proposals to invest on this highway.”


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.  Total sample size was 400 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 22nd - 29th June 2022.  The survey was carried out online.